Release 2025.3.23

NoteThese notes catch up with several releases since our last published update on 2024.3.17 and are current as of the 2025.3.23 version of the platform.

Feature Enhancements

Slack Integration

  • We are excited to introduce a new enhancement to Slack Integration.
  • Users can now add the new Qualytics Slack App to stay informed about platform activities.
    • Configuring the Slack Integration requires two steps.
      • After configuring the integration, a Slack administrator must approve the Qualytics Slack App.
  • Users can select a Slack channel for receiving Qualytics notifications.
    • Different types of messages will be sent for each trigger in Flow operations.
      • The text and actions will vary depending on the selected trigger.
      • The message state (Slack message color) will change based upon the message status.
  • The Qualytics Slack App allows users to interact with Qualytics from the Slack interface:
    • Interact with anomalies by acknowledging, commenting, or archiving them without leaving the Slack UI where the flow notification is received.
    • Click a link in Slack to be redirected to the Qualytics UI for more details regarding a specific notification.
    • View anomalous tables and files detected without leaving Slack.

Anomaly Fingerprint

  • We are thrilled to introduce support for identifying duplicate anomalies.
  • Anomalies created after this release will be “fingerprinted” so that re-detection of that same anomaly can be readily identified as a duplicate detection.
    • New Scan Operation options allow users to define how detected duplicates should be handled.
    • This feature provides a history and timeline of anomalies, allowing users to track how long a specific anomaly has persisted.
    • Anomaly fingerprints will also be exposed in API responses and written to enrichment.

General Fixes

  • External Scan
    • Users can now use and rerun external scans only from the activity listing for the targeted asset.
  • General Fixes and Improvements.

Integration Impacting Changes

  • POST & PUT api/integrations
    • REMOVED PARAMETERS: name and api_token
    • NEW PARAMETERS: api_access_token, api_refresh_token and api_service_token
  • POSTs to api/flows/actions/notifications/ endpoints
    • MODIFIED PARAMETERS: tokenized_message is now a json object instead of a string
  • All requests to api/datastores endpoints
    • REMOVED RESPONSE PROPERTY METRIC: The metric for archived_anomalies previously returned as metrics.archived_anomalies has been removed from responses

Deprecation Notices

  • POST api/operations/run
    • DEPRECATED PARAMETER: archive_overlapping_anomalies (migrate to the new parameter archive_duplicate_anomalies for enhanced
  • POST api/operations/schedule
    • DEPRECATED PARAMETER: archive_overlapping_anomalies (migrate to the new parameter archive_duplicate_anomalies for enhanced functionality)

As usual, our User Guide and accompanying Change Log captures more details about this release.


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