Release 2025.1.31

These notes catch up with several releases since our last published update on 2024.1.24 and are current as of the 2025.1.31 version of the platform

Feature Enhancements

Freshness View

  • We are excited to introduce the “Freshness View” feature in Qualytics!
  • Users can now visualize both volumetric and freshness checks within the same tab.
  • The displayed data includes:
    • Unit: Day, Month, Hour, etc.
    • Maximum Age: Defines the maximum allowed time since the last data update.
    • Last Asserted: Indicates the last time the data was validated.

Datastore Filter Condition in Flows

  • Users can now configure datastore filter conditions in triggers for flows, enhancing control over triggered actions.

Treat Empty Value as Null for DFS

  • A new option allows users to enable “Empty value as null” as the default behavior for File Patterns, improving data consistency.

General Fixes

  • General Fixes and Improvements.

As usual, our User Guide and accompanying Change Log captures more details about this release.


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