These notes catch up with several releases since our last published update on 2024.11.01 and are current as of the 2024.11.12 version of the platform.
Feature Enhancements
Enhance Data Catalog Integration
- Introduced a new domain input field that allows users to select specific domains, enabling more granular control over assets synchronization.

Scan Results Enhancements
- Added partition label to the scan results modal for improved partition identification.

- Removed unnecessary metadata partitions created solely for volumetric checks, reducing clutter in scan results.

Activity Tab
- Display of Unprocessed Containers in the Operation List
- Unprocessed containers are now visible in the operation list within the operation summary.
- A total count label was added to indicate if the number of analyzed containers exceeds the total requested.
- The search icon now highlights in a different color if not all containers were analyzed, making it easier to identify incomplete operations.

- Reorder the Datastore Column in the Activity Tab
- Users can now reorder columns in the Activity tab for easier navigation and data organization.

- Profile Operations
- Users can now view added, updated, and total inferred checks within Profile operations.

- Triggered by Column
- Updated the term “Triggered by API” to “Triggered by System” for clarity.

General Fixes
- General Fixes and Improvements.
As usual, our User Guide and accompanying Change Log captures more details about this release.