These notes catch up with several releases since our last published update on 2024.09.25 and are current as of the 2024.10.04 version of the platform.
Feature Enhancements
Insights Page Redesign
Introduced a new Overview card displaying key metrics such as Data Under Management, Source Datastores, and Containers.
Added a doughnut chart visualization for checks and anomalies, providing a clearer view of data health.
Expanded available metrics to include profile runs and scan runs.
Users can now easily navigate to Checks and Anomalies based on their current states and statuses.
Implemented data volume visualizations to give users better insight into data trends.
Introduced a legend option that allows users to compare specific metrics against the primary one.
Enhanced the check distribution visualization across the platform within the overview tabs.
Check Filter
Now users can filter Not Asserted checks.
Team Management
Now admin users can modify the Read and Write permissions of the Public Team.
Reapplying Clone Field
Check cloning functionality by attempting to reapply the field from the original (source) check when a new container is selected. If the selected container matches the field and type from the original check, the cloned field will be reapplied automatically.
General Fixes and Improvements
Allow saving checks with attached templates as drafts
Adjusted the behavior to allow checks attached to a template to be saved as drafts. The Save as draft feature now remains functional when a template is attached.
Incremental identifier strange behavior
When a user tries to modify a query in a computed table, the Incremental Modifier is set to null.
General Fixes and Improvements.
As usual, our User Guide and accompanying Change Log captures more details about this release.