Release 2024.07.26


These notes catch up with several releases since our last published update on 2024.07.19 and are current as of the 2024.07.26 version of the platform.

Feature Enhancements

Introducing Event Bus for Extended Auto-Sync with Data Catalog Integrations

  • We are excited to expand our auto-sync capabilities with data catalog integrations by implementing an event bus pattern.
  • Added functionality to delete any DQ values that do not meet important checks.
  • Included support for a WARNING status in the Alation Data Health tab for checks that have not been asserted yet.

Add Autocomplete to the Notification Form

  • Improved the notification message form by implementing autocomplete. Users can now easily include internal variables when crafting custom messages, streamlining the message creation process.

Redesign the Analytics Engine Functions

  • The functions are now accessible through a menu, which displays the icon and full functionality.
  • Added a modal to alert users before proceeding with the restart. The modal informs users that the system will be unavailable for a period during the restart process.

Improve Qualytics metadata presentation in Alation

  • Previously, multiple custom fields were used to persist data quality metrics measured by Qualytics. This process has been simplified by consolidating the metrics into a single rich text custom field formatted in HTML, making it easier for users to analyze the data.

General Fixes

  • Normalize Enrichment Internal Containers
    • To improve user recognition and differentiate between our internal tables and those in source systems, we now preserve the original case of table names.
  • Validation Error on Field Search Result
    • Resolved the logic for cascade deletion of dependencies on containers that have been soft deleted, ensuring proper handling of related data.
  • Members Cannot Add Datastore on the Onboarding Screen
    • Updated permissions so that members can no longer add Datastores during the onboarding process. Only Admins now have this capability.
  • General Fixes and Improvements

As usual, our User Guide and accompanying Change Log captures more details about this release.


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Automated data quality that supports your company at scale