These notes catch up with several releases since our last published update on 2024.06.14 and are current as of the 2024.06.18 version of the platform.
Feature Enhancements
Improvement To Anomaly Dialog
- Enhanced the anomaly dialog to include a direct link to the operation that generated the anomaly. Users can now easily navigate from an anomaly to view other anomalies generated by the same operation directly from the Activity tab.

Sorting By Duration In Activity Tab
- Introduced the ability to sort by the duration of operations in the Activity tab by ascending or descending order.

Last Editor Information For Scheduled Operations
- Added visibility of which users have created or last updated scheduled operations, enhancing traceability in scheduling management.

Display Total Anomalous Records For Anomalies
- Added the total count of anomalous records in the anomalies listing view.

General Fixes
- Performance Fixes on Computed Table Creation and Check Validation
- Optimized the processes for creating computed tables and validating checks. Users previously experiencing slow performance or timeouts during these operations will now find the processes significantly faster and more reliable.
- Addressed display inaccuracies in the “Field Profiles Updated” metrics.
- General Fixes and improvements
As usual, our User Guide and accompanying Change Log captures more details about this release.