These notes catch up with several releases since our last published update on 2024.06.07 and are current as of the 2024.06.14 version of the platform.
Feature Enhancements
Improvements To Atlan Integration
- When syncing Qualytics with Atlan, badges now display the “Quality Score Total,” increasing visibility and emphasizing key data quality indicators on Atlan assets.

Improved Performance Of The Synchronization Operation.
- Implemented the propagation of external tags to checks, now automatically aligned with the container synchronization process, enabling better accuracy and relevance of data tagging.

Refactor Metric Check Creation
- Enhanced the encapsulated Metric Check creation flow to improve user experience and efficiency. Users can now seamlessly create computed tables and schedule operations simultaneously with the metric check creation.

Support Update Of Weight Modifier For External Tags

Add Validation On Updated Connections
- Added support for testing the connection if there’s at least one datastore attached to the connection, ensuring more reliable and accurate connection updates.
Standardize Inner Tabs Under The Settings Page
- Tags and Notifications Improvements: The layout has been revamped for better consistency and clarity. General headers have been removed, and now each item features specific headers to enhance readability.

Security Tab Improvements:
- The redesign features chip tabs for improved navigation and consistency. Filters have been updated to ensure they meet application standards.

Tokens Tab Accessibility
- Moved the action button to the top of the page to make it more accessible.

- Refine Connector Icons Display: Improved the display of connector icons for Datastores and Enrichments in the Connections Tab.

General Fixes
- Address Minor Issues in the Datastore Activity Page
- Operation ID Auto-Search: Restored the auto-search feature by operation ID for URL access, enhancing navigation, especially for Catalog Operations.
- Tree View Auto-Refresh: Implemented an auto-refresh feature for the tree view, which activates after any operation in the CTA flow (Catalog, Profile, Scan).
- Fix “Greater Than Field” Quality Check
- Corrected the inclusive property of the greater than field quality check.
- Fix Exporting Field Profiles for Non-Admin User with Write Permission
- Resolved issues for non-admin users with write permissions to allow proper exporting of field profiles metadata to enrichment.
- Fix “Is Replica Of” Quality Check validation on Field Names with Special Characters
- Improved validation logic to handle field names with special characters
- General Fixes and Improvements
As usual, our User Guide and accompanying Change Log captures more details about this release.