Release 2023.11.02

Feature Enhancements

“Select All Fields”

  • When authoring a check with a multi-select picklist of fields, we now have an option to select all of them at once. This eliminates the tedious process of clicking each field individually when, for example, setting up an IsReplicaOf check on an entire table with a large number of fields.

Incremental Profiling

  • Users can now specify a value for an incremental identifier to target a specific starting point for profiling operations, ensuring that only the most relevant data is included for analysis.
  • Greater Than Time can be used for time stamped data. For datasets with other incremental identifiers, we also support Greater Than Batch.

User-Defined Limits On Source Records Written To Enrichment

  • Previously, we capped the number of anomalous records written to the enrichment datastore at 10. Based on customer feedback, we now allow users to define this limit based on their individual operational and business needs.

Additional Information On Checks

  • Check cards now display the most recent time that the check was asserted.
  • Additionally, checks now affirmatively indicate, via a green check mark, that a check passed at the time of the most recent scan operation. This icon will only appear when the check has no active anomalies.
  • Anomalies are now searchable via Unique Identifier

As usual, our User Guide and accompanying Change Log captures more details about this release.


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