Release 2023.09.07

Concurrent Operations

In prior releases, it was wasteful to execute concurrent operations of the same type against the same datastore because they were guaranteed to produce the same results. As Qualytics has evolved to support more flexible use cases, that constraint no longer holds. In response, we have introduced the ability to run multiple operations of the same type concurrently against a single datastore. With this update, even if an operation is yet to finish, another can be initiated and run concurrently. This enhancement is aimed at offering our users greater flexibility in managing their tasks and ensuring a more efficient execution of operations.

Source Record Display Enhancements

Understanding the intricacies of data presentation and the demands of clarity for our users, we have incorporated several enhancements to the source record display:

  • We have added a ‘Hide Anomalous’ option. Recognizing that anomalous records can sometimes clutter the view and hamper the analysis process, this feature allows users to opt for a cleaner viewing experience by hiding such records.
  • In an effort to optimize the user experience, we have transitioned from hover-based tooltips to click-activated ones. This change ensures that users receive information only when they expressly request it, minimizing inadvertent pop-ups and distractions.
  • Finally, to ensure data is presented in a structured and consistent manner, we’ve updated the software such that virtual columns will always be displayed at the forefront of any data view. This positioning helps in quickly identifying core data attributes, further streamlining the analysis process for our users.

As usual, our User Guide and accompanying Change Log captures more details about this release.


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