These notes catch up with several releases since our last published update on 2024.07.05 and are current as of the 2024.07.15 version of the platform.
Feature Enhancements
Alation Data Catalog Integration
- We’re excited to introduce integration with Alation, enabling users to synchronize and manage assets across both Qualytics and Alation.
- Metadata Customization
- Trust Check Flags: We now support warning flags at both the container and field levels, ensuring users are aware of warned items.
- Data Health: Qualytics now pushes important checks to Alation’s Data Health tab, providing a comprehensive view of data health at the container level.
- Custom Fields: Quality scores and related metadata are pushed under a new section in the Overview page of Alation. This includes quality scores, quality score factors, URLs, anomaly counts, and check counts.
- Support for Never Expiration Option for Tokens
- Users now have the option to create tokens that never expire, providing more flexibility and control over token management.
General Fixes
- General Fixes and Improvements
As usual, our User Guide and accompanying Change Log captures more details about this release.